
Real Stories: Hear What Our Customers Have to Say!

Mary Margaret

Princess Mary Margaret is 12 years old. Her favorite song is “Jesus Loves Me.” Funny sounds make her laugh and any kind of ice cream is her “favorite kind.” Sweet Mary Margaret loves her new Freedom P.R.O. CG wheelchair! Freedom wheelchairs have been her main ride since she was 3 years old. Her chair is solid, sleek, and pink! FREEDOM – THAT’S HOW SHE ROLLS! As a family we are grateful. Thank you Freedom for your super cool chairs! Thank you Armanda and Blanca from Freedom Designs and Jeffrey from SPC for your extensive product knowledge and unmatched customer service. Keep up the good work y’all! 

Mike S.
Mary Margaret's Dad

marry margaret testimonial
Freedom designs testimonials Aslyn


Thank you, Kevin and Nancy, for the great outcome with Aslyn's chair. The seating and embroidered butterfly was a huge hit and the wipeable stiff chest harness fabric.

Tom A.
Assistive Technology Professional (ATP)

The Colonel

This is the gentleman that I was telling you about. He is a former Colonel in the military and had been bed-bound for an entire year. He can’t bend his knees anymore and has multiple other contractures. His P.R.O. CG being delivered now allows him to get out of the house and go on “walks” with his wife and caregiver. They are so incredibly grateful! Thank you guys for everything you do there to help get wonderful like this man out of bed and living a better life!

Kathryn K.
Rehab Sales Specialist

Colonel testimonial
Freedom designs testimonials Edna


Edna enjoys her NXT at home and on the go! The NXT weight shifting has made the chair super comfortable for her and has helped her out of bed all day!

Stephanie T.


Cole and our family enjoyed the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA. There is nothing better than getting out into our community and having a wheelchair that can take us everywhere! Thank you Freedom Designs who customized Cole’s chair decked out in vintage leather! It’s beautifully done!

Tiara C.
Cole's Mom

cole testimonials